
Portable Conveyor

Saikrupa manufactures portable conveyors of belt as well as chainslat type. Portable belt conveyors can be made either with flat idlers or troughing idlers depending upon the load. The conveyor boom is usually fabricated from steel tubes in order to give a light but strong and sturdy structure. Portable slat conveyors use a chain running in a steel track and fitted with slats, usually of wood. Height adjustment facility is attained by using mechanical pull jack or hydraulic cylinders. The complete conveyor structure is mounted on two wheels with a swivelling castor wheel and tow bar arrangement at the back. An inclined portable conveyor, with a near horizontal profile at the discharge end, is commonly used for lorry loading and unloading applications. Standard widths are 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm, 650 mm, 800 mm and lOOO mm.